The Horrors Behind The Plastic

It was a sunny day, I was bored, I don't like getting out much. So I decided to go to my local game store. When I got there, I didn't see a copy of any new COD games or any BF4 copies. I decided to look through the used bin... I found an old copy of Lego Batman for the PS3. I purchased it for no price, the clerk simply said, "It's free! Please take it!". On the cover was a crudely drawn LEGO Batman & Robin. It also had orange letters that seemed to be sharpie. The letters spelled, "Lego Batman" It was a bit suspicious, but I shrugged it off seeing as this is a used game. When I got home, I popped the game into the PS3 and plopped down on the couch to play the game. The T.T. games logo played as normal, and cut to the title screen. I selected Load Game, and discovered that three slots had been saved, it said 100%, but none of the characters or suits were unlocked.... (This was for all save files)
This was very suspicious. I was a bit freaked out by this... I decided to select New Game and selected the fourth save slot. The starting cutscene played and I was placed down in the first level, I played the level and successfully completed it. The only thing that freaked me out, was that when I beat Clayface he exploded into red blood-like liquids. I assumed this game must've been modded....Little did I know that after I beat the second level, shit hit the fan HARD! Every time I killed an enemy a strange bar in the corner filled up, I filled it and then it said to press the attack key... When I did, Batman started floating, his normally white eyes turned a blood red color, and flashed between red and orange for about 43 seconds. And then the screen became entirely white. An explosion sound erupted, then followed by thunder crashing and high pitch screams!
The tale goes that the player was never seen again...
This Creepy/Trollpasta is by Thewordpunisapun